support for the journey
Our hormones effect every system in our body and every area of our functioning. Their impact on our self-image, our relationships, and our general well being can’t be overstated, but historically our society has not adequately prepared women for the far-reaching impact of hormonal changes.
We deserve better, ladies! There are some fantastic resources and treatment options for women available now, and here at Find Your Healthy we are determined to be part of that movement. I’m willing to be you show up for the people you care about when they’re suffering. Are you showing up for yourself? Every single woman will experience the upheaval of changing hormone levels at some point in her life, and you are worthy of quality-of-life-sustaining support when it’s your turn.
Perimenopause & Menopause
Perimenopause shows up like an uninvited guest.
It’s rings the doorbell unannounced. You have no idea how long it’s going to hang out. It requires your time and attention. And it don’t give a f*ck about your convenience or comfort.
While it’s true that there are some aspects of perimenopause that you simply can’t control, there are some exceptionally effective tools available to help you manage the ups and downs.
Together, we can identify strategies that help with irritability, mood regulation, stress management, and the grief that we often feel during this season. Sometimes my clients need help learning how to advocate for themselves with their medical providers (especially those going through early menopause!). Sometimes simply feeling understood and less alone in your process can provide the boost you need to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I invite you to invest in your emotional wellbeing during this important phase of life.
Wondering if you might be in perimenopause? Symptoms can include:
decreased sex drive
brain fog/forgetfulness
hot flashes
changes in weight
missed/irregular periods
changes in bone density
joint pain
changes in skin texture
brain fog/forgetfulness
night sweats
trouble sleeping
and more…
Do you feel like a different person for 10-14 days out of the month?
Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder, or PMDD, is so much more than just bad PMS. It is a hormone disorder that manifests through both physical and emotional symptoms, and significantly impacts our relationships, work, and inner wellbeing.
Behavioral strategies can greatly reduce the negative impact of PMDD, namely how we engage with ourselves and others during this phase of the month.
You didn’t get to choose whether or not you have PMDD, but you do get to choose how you learn to live with it.
Wondering if you have PMDD? Symptoms can include:
difficulty concentrating
fatigue/decreased stamina
emotional sensitivity
trouble sleeping
decreased coordination
skin irritation
changes in appetite
changes in digestion
and more…