Where are you located?
We are located at 1755 N Collins Blvd., Suite 310 in Richardson, TX. We are in the EMPOWERED suite on the third floor of the Pioneer Bank building.
What are your hours of operation?
Each clinician sets their own schedule, so hours of operation may vary. Please contact your specific provider for their availability.
Do you take insurance?
We are not in network with insurance. Our goal is to be able to provide the very best care to our clients based on their needs, rather than on insurance criteria. However, many insurance plans offer at least partial coverage for out of network providers. If you are working with Kelley, she can provide you with a superbill to send to your insurance company for reimbursement.
What is a superbill?
A superbill is a statement that has all of the information your insurance company would need to provide you with reimbursement for out of network benefits. Only fully licensed clinicians are able to provide superbills to clients, meaning that LPC Associates are not able to provide superbills for sessions.
Can I use my hsa/fsa for sessions?
Yes! If you’d like to use those funds to cover the cost of sessions, you’ll just enter your HSA or FSA card information into the system when you complete your initial paperwork.
How many sessions will I need?
The number of sessions you will need depends on a number of factors. The nature of your presenting concerns and goals for treatment, your ability to “do the work” outside of sessions, and your level of motivation for change will all impact the length of time you may need counseling. In general, counseling works best when the provider and the client are working collaboratively to determine the length of treatment.
How often will I need to schedule sessions?
Again, this depends on the nature of your presenting concerns and treatment goals. In most cases, it’s helpful to at least start with weekly sessions. This helps with building rapport with your provider, and helps them get to know you better. When you and your therapist decide that there’s enough stability to move to bi-weekly appointments, that decision can be made collaboratively.
What can counseling help with?
If you are experiencing:
self-defeating thoughts - behavior that keeps you stuck - problems in your relationships - low self-esteem - unhealthy eating or exercise behaviors - lingering effects of difficult life experiences - overwhelming feelings - a desire for personal growth
Counseling could be helpful for you.
What is your relationship with EMPOWERED Counseling?
EMPOWERED Counseling is the name of the office where my practice is located. EMPOWERED is a unique place in that all fully licensed clinicians here have their own practice and are independent of one another. This is why you might see me on the EMPOWERED website (www.empowered-counseling.com) and I also have my own website.
Where did you go to school?
I attended Southern Methodist University for my undergraduate education, where I double majored in Psychology and Religious Studies.
I attended graduate school at the University of North Texas, and earned an MS in Counseling Psychology.