Free to just be.
Are you on the diet merry-go-round, always trying the next trendy way to gain control of your relationship with food? If so, you may be struggling with chronic dieting, also known as disorderd eating.
In my experience, the defining characteristic of chronic dieting is a lack of freedom with food. When meals are bound by rules and rigidity we lose our sense of ease around food, as well as the joy of connecting with our loved ones around the table.
Disordered eating consists of learned beliefs and behaviors, and thankfully we are always capable of change. In our work, I will assist you in identifying and exploring the key life experiences that led to your current struggles with food and your body. Utilizing talk therapy, EMDR, and IFS techniques, we will evaluate whether those same beliefs and behaviors are still necessary. If not, we’ll work together to replace them with something that serves you better.
My Food Philosophy
Health at every size (HAES)
Weight does not define health, and there is no such thing as a perfect weight. We are at our healthiest-mentally and physically-when we are not desperately dieting.
All Food is Good Food
There is no such thing as good food or bad food; therefore our bodies can use all food as fuel. If dieting worked, you probably wouldn’t be here. Let me help you try something new.